WITI (Women in Technology International) Summit will be Held May 31-June 2, 2015 at the Doubletree by Hilton San Jose.
Santa Clara, CA, April 30, 2015 (Newswire.com) - WITI --(Women in Technology International), the leading global business organization for women in technology with more than 150,000 members worldwide, announced today its keynote speakers and session topics for its 21st Annual Summit. The Summit will focus on IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, Leadership, Cloud, Community Brand Building and how women in technology are enhancing our lives and world by bringing the “Internet to Life”. WITI is still taking reservations for the Summit that will be held May 31-June 2, 2015 at the Doubletree by Hilton San Jose.
WITI is pleased to announce that Patricia Arquette continues her quest to share her thoughts on equality for women by kicking off the event from 5:00 – 5:45 on May 31. Arquette, who recently won an Oscar© for best actress for her work in the movie Boyhood, continues to make headlines about her passionate acceptance speech about equal rights for women. Arquette currently plays the leading role in the television series CSI:Cyber where she plays a Cyber psychologist who tracks and solves online illegal activity. WITI believes that Arquette’s passion for women’s equality and her other causes will help inspire ALL women worldwide to believe that they are unique and need to believe in themselves, their purpose, and the value they bring to others.
“WITI supports women worldwide in technology more than ever as they continue to leave tech in droves while facing challenges such as equal pay, recognition for their work, and promotions at executive levels,” explains Carolyn Leighton, WITI founder and chairwoman. We are excited to have such a diverse and acclaimed group of speakers who will share how they are not only “talking the talk” but are also “walking the walk” to overcome the obstacles and challenges they have and continue to face in their careers.”
The Annual Summit continues to bring together a diverse group of speakers, sponsors, partners, and attendees who want to empower, inspire, and build communities of professional, women in technology. WITI's mission is to help women and men understand that advancing women is good for business, help women replace their anger and frustration with strategy, and replace competition with collaboration.
Patricia Arquette, Actor, Humanitarian, Co-Founder of GiveLove
“Emboldening Women To Believe They Have A Purpose”
Linda Bernardi, Chief Innovation Officer, Cloud And IoT, IBM
“Disruption, Innovation, IoT, and Women: Disrupt to Succeed!”
Tiffani Bova, Vice President And Distinguished Analyst, Gartner
“Reimagine IT: The Digital Dragon is Upon Us!”
Sandy Carter, General Manager/Cloud Ecosystem & Developers, And Social Business Evangelist, IBM
“Geek Girls are Chic: Five Career Hacks”
Wendy Wallbridge, President / Executive Coach, On Your Mark
“Spiraling Up for the WITI Summit!”
· Executive speaking
· Personal branding
· The importance of workforce diversity
· Making the Internet of everything real
· Designing positive customer outcomes
· How Millennials are shaping the future
· Creating a purpose-driven career
· Effectively connecting with your community
· How serious games are changing the world
· Wearable technologies and how they are changing the world
· Healthcare IT
· Running a successful start-up
· Managing winning teams
Speakers and topics are subject to change. For the latest information on the agenda and speakers, visit http://www.witi.com/summit.
To register for WITI's 2015 Annual Summit, please visit www.witi.com/summit. Registration is open through the entire event.
WITI, founded in 1989 by Carolyn Leighton, is the world's leading trade association for professional, tech-savvy women committed to using technology, resources and connections to advance women worldwide. With a global network of exceptionally successful women leaders, WITI has established powerful strategic alliances and programs to provide resources, and opportunities within a supportive environment of women committed to helping each other succeed. WITI's mission is to empower women worldwide to achieve unimagined possibilities and transformations through technology, leadership and economic prosperity.