Category: Entrepreneurship

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19 Young Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2016.

With the growing number of refugees entering Europe, the European welfare states are being put under pressure. Oftentimes refugees are regarded as financial liabilities for the destination countries. However, entrepreneurship has shown successful as a facilitator for social integration and in bridging the gab between different cultures.

The startup technology event of the Mobile World Congress, Four Years From Now (4YFN), invites everyone to their Closing Party to join in and celebrate the end of their 3 day networking frenzy.

Local community facilitators in Israel expect to host a record number of business and governmental leaders from all over the world that are seeking knowledge in "The Startup Nation" after another groundbreaking year for Israeli startups in 2015.

Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC) is coming to Tel-Aviv with G-Startup competition in March, 2016.

The event will feature the 4YFN Social Coin, a token through which attendees will be able to interact and create links generating new business opportunities.

The seminar will be held from April 4 to April 7 and is composed of more than 30 partners and key players in the Israeli ecosystem who will expose the participants to the fundamentals of the Israeli start-up ecosystem, i.e "The Startup Nation"

The 4YFN 2016 event will cover 18,000 m2 at the Fira de Barcelona convention facility on Montjuïc - more than double that at the 2015 edition.

TLV GAFO will be held at 21st - 22nd November 2015, 9am - 6pm, in Tel Aviv.

Startup Expo will be held on Tuesday, November 3rd in NYC.

Europe's major crowd economy conference explores the best practices in crowdsourcing and the collaborative economy that are fundamentally changing society, mindsets and possibilities across industries.

unBound London is the UK's most exciting innovation festival connecting leaders and growth stage companies from digital ecosystems around the world.

More than 300 startups from 36 Countries participated at RISE conference; All 3 finalists are from Hong Kong.